
Buy a Put Option Spread & Sell a Call Option

Margin Requirement

Yes, pay premium difference in premiums and post variable margin on the call similar to futures in a rising market


  • Establishes a Range of Protection from lower prices
  • Some benefit to higher prices
  • Cost is reduced by selling both call & put
  • Flexible, offset at any time
  • Least expensive option strategy alternative


  • Limited benefit from higher futures price (to call’s strike price)
  • Protection limited to the lower put strike plus the net cost
  • Offsetting before expiration will change the cost & P/L (disadvantage in both a lower and higher market)

When to Apply

  • If market outlook is neutral or perceived risk to lower and higher prices is balanced
  • If minimum cost in strategy selection is a priority
  • If unlimited protection from lower prices is unnecessary AND potential short futures position above the market is acceptable
  • In a high volatility environment historically and/or seasonally

Potential Adjustment

  • In a rising market, buy back short put option to capture decay in premium, roll up short call option to extend opportunity to participate in higher prices, and/or roll up long put option to capture benefit from increase in price
  • In a falling market, buy back short call option to capture decay in premium, roll down short put option to extend range of protection to lower prices and/or roll down long put option to capture gain from drop in price


Sell a Call Option, Buy a Put Option (Bearish Collar)

Margin Requirement

Yes, pay the difference in premiums and post variable margin on the short call similar to futures in a rising market


  • Establishes a Minimum futures price
  • Cost of Put is reduced by selling the Call
  • Flexible, offset at any time


  • Limited benefit from higher futures price
  • Capital expense of potential margin exposure
  • Offsetting before expiration will change the cost & P/L (advantage in lower market, disadvantage in higher market)

When to Apply

  • If market outlook is bearish, but flexibility to benefit from partial increase in prices is necessary or desirable
  • If downside risk is undefined or hard to define
  • In a neutral implied volatility environment
  • To adjust a long put or put spread after an increase in price

Potential Adjustment

  • In a rising market, roll up long put option to capture benefit from increase in price and/or roll up short call option to extend range of opportunity to benefit from rising prices
  • In a falling market, buy back short call option to capture decay in premium, roll down long put option to capture drop in price, and/or sell lower strike put option to generate additional credit


Sell a Call Option

Margin Requirement

Yes, must post variable margin similar to futures in a rising market


  • Raises the selling price in a stable market
  • Some downside protection
  • Flexible, offset at any time


  • Can’t benefit from higher futures price
  • Downside protection is limited to the premium sold
  • Offsetting before expiration will change the cost & P/L (potential increased cost to buy back in a rising market)
  • Capital expense of potential margin exposure

When to Apply

  • In a stable market environment or when risk to both higher and lower prices perceived to be limited
  • If strike price of short call option represents a target sale price that fits into budget or operating margin
  • In a high implied volatility environment historically and/or seasonally

Potential Adjustment

  • In a rising market, roll up call option to higher strike price to extend range of opportunity to benefit from rising prices
  • In a falling market, buy back call option to capture decay in premium, and/or roll down short call option to generate additional credit


Buy a Put Option, Sell a Lower Strike Put Option

Margin Requirement

No, pay the difference in premiums


  • Establishes a Range of Protection from lower prices
  • Cost is reduced by selling lower strike put
  • Higher futures price may improve your selling price
  • Flexible, offset at any time and receive the remaining value


  • Premium paid in full at time of purchase
  • Protection is limited to the lower put strike plus the cost
  • Offsetting before expiration will change the cost & P/L (advantage in higher market, disadvantage in lower market)

When to Apply

  • If market outlook is bullish
  • If unlimited protection to lower prices is not necessary or if downside risk can be better defined or measured
  • If flexibility is needed to participate in all higher prices
  • If capital constraints require maximum pre-defined margin exposure
  • As an adjustment to a short future, long put or short collar position after a drop in price
  • If in a neutral implied volatility environment

Potential Adjustment

  • In a rising market, buy back short put option to capture decay in premium, roll up long put to capture increase in price and/or sell call option to create credit to help offset initial cost
  • In a falling market, roll down short put to a lower strike price to extend range of protection, roll down long put to capture gain from drop in price and/or sell call option to create credit or help offset


Buy a Put Option

Margin Requirement

No, pay premium


  • Minimum futures price is established
  • Higher futures price may improve your selling price
  • Flexible, offset at any time and receive the remaining value
  • Maximum flexibility for adjustments to both higher and lower prices


  • Premium paid in full at time of purchase. Can be substantial for ATM or ITM put option
  • Most expensive option strategy alternative

When to Apply

  • If downside risk is undefined or hard to define
  • If flexibility to participate in all higher prices is necessary
  • If capital constraints require maximum pre-defined margin exposure
  • If low implied volatility environment historically and/or seasonally

Potential Adjustment

  • In a rising market, roll put up to a higher strike price, and or sell higher strike call against position to capture benefit from increase in price
  • In a falling market, roll put down to a lower strike, and/or sell lower strike put against position to help offset initial cost by creating a credit


Sell Futures

Margin Requirement

Yes, variable margin required as market moves higher


  • Futures price risk is eliminated (unlimited protection to lower price levels)
  • No premium expense, only transaction costs
  • Flexible, offset at any time


  • Higher futures price does not improve selling price
  • Capital expense of potential margin exposure

When to Apply

  • If futures price level fits into budget or operating margin (no flexibility is needed to participate in higher prices)
  • If price outlook is bearish
  • Lack of liquidity in option

Potential Adjustment

  • In a rising market, protect short futures position by buying a call option or call spread to help increase sale price level set by futures
  • In a falling market, replace short futures position with a put option or put spread as market