Oct 2018 – Managing Risks & Opportunities in the Current Hog Market

Hog producers are faced with heightened uncertainty moving forward due to many factors including increased domestic production and processing capacity, trade issues, and the presence of African Swine Fever in both China and Europe. While forward opportunities exist to protect margins, many producers feel uneasy about risk management decisions in light of this uncertain outlook. While the flexibility of option strategies work well in this environment, there are tradeoffs that need to be understood and carefully considered with different types of positions. Read more.

Find out about factors affecting margins and strategies you can use to take advantage of current opportunities in the market.

Hog Margin Watch (pdf)

Dairy Margin Watch (pdf)

Beef Margin Watch (pdf)

Corn Margin Watch (pdf)

Soybeans Margin Watch (pdf)

Wheat Margin Watch (pdf)